You would probably only see the rosy part about owning a farm – hence, I’d like to share the challenges in managing a private farm in Malaysia. These are from our own experience of managing our small 1.1 acre private farm in Karak Pahang. Contrary to all the nice things, there are also the other side that you should know and be prepared for if you are thinking of getting a private farm.

Challenges of Managing a Private Farm
Farming presents its own set of unique challenges due to its dependence on natural and unpredictable factors. I will be covering the very initial challenges of owning and managing a private farm – and this may differ from a matured farm which will have different challenges. Among primary challenges include weather variability, managing the plants/crops/trees, pest and disease control, labor/worker management, land management, etc. Below are highlights of the challenges we face in managing a private farm:
Weather Variability
Malaysia’s weather of late is so unpredictable – it can be a super wet season and super hot the next which affects the plants that we are nurturing in the farm. Extreme rainfall is bad for fruit trees, especially durian. The root of durian trees can rot easily, which is also why it is perfect to be planted on terraces on slopes. Rain is much needed, but too much can be equally bad for the fruit trees.
Excessive heavy rain can also cause water runoffs that can cause soil movements. For sloping land, it can cause landslides. We have our fair share of landslides and have done necessary slope reinforcements and rectification work to keep it at bay. Additionally, we also plant trees with deep roots near the slope areas to strengthen it naturally. So far it has been successful. Nevertheless, we are constantly checking to make sure that there are no further soil movements.
Hot spells are also bad for the trees. This year (2024) has seen prolonged hot spells – and the trees don’t favor extreme heat. The plants needs to be watered more often, hence the hefty water bills. Our farm’s piped water is on commercial rates, so it can be couple of hundreds per month.
Managing Plants, Crops, Trees
Planting a few trees and plants in your house compound in the city is totally different from managing them in a farm. For starters, the farm is located in a jungle surrounding, so it is a different scenario from your city home which is a more controlled environment. Your plants can die from a variety of reasons – from wild boars attack, pest infestation, termites attack, etc. A few of our fruit trees has died due to one or two of the reasons I have mentiond.
Some plants are just impossible to plant. The pineapples we planted were uprooted by the wild boars, no matter how many times we tried. Unless you fence up the entire farm, be prepared for unwelcomed visitors. Banana trees were also uprooted by wild boars, as they love the young banana tree stems. Coconut trees were also victims of ants – and none has survived so far.
Replacing these plants are not cheap – so everytime we lose a plant, we lose money (to replace it) and time (how long the plant has been growing). Time lost is more precious than the money – because you can’t buy time. Replacing a dead plant is similar to hitting the reset button.
Pests of All Sorts
There are so many different types of pest affecting different types of plants that you need an entire encyclopedia to identify it all. Just last week, our guava tree was so badly infested with aphid that the tree looks like there was snow! It turned snowy white. We had to trim the entire tree (botak the whole tree), burned the leaves with kerosene in the hope that the tree survives. You can see the pic above, where the leaves turned white.
In addition, there are also pest that eats up the root of the dragon fruit tree. Then the durian tree leaves are left with holes – apparently some type of insect infest it. Currently we are buying liquid wood vinegar that could help deter a variety of pest naturally. Using this can also improve soil health, stimulate plant growth, and enhance root development. We are hoping that doing this regularly will help to keep these pest at bay.
Worker Management
Unless you have experience managing blue collar workers, it is not exactly easy to manage the person who is managing your farm. It is best to engage a third party person who can assist you in managing the farm. However, if you are not in the farm all the time, it can be difficult to manage the work that is done at the farm. At times, you may just have to accept things as it is.
At our farm, we noticed that there are times when shrubs were overgrowing and not properly trimmed even after the monthly trimming session. While we are easy-going, I am just afraid of unexpected visitors (snakes) as the farm is still a jungle ground. The land around the fruit trees are overgrown with weeds, even though they are supposed to care for the trees. Water and fertilizer will not reach the intended tree recipient if the weeds are not properly managed. There were also occassions where our fruit trees were mistakenly chopped off / cut off by the farm workers. While we can point out these issues as they occur, there will be new issues every single time. So I try not to overstress over the farm management – just let things be.
Ongoing Cost
I have mentioned before that there is an ongoing cost to expect in farm ownership. Water bills are in the hundreds per month, the farm hand will easily set you back by RM1,000 a month (escalating prices), fertilizers & pest management cost to think about, soil/slope reinforcement, monthly maintenance (ours is RM200 per acre), and any other related cost. Be prepared to put aside some funds monthly for the upkeep of the farm.
Embracing the Realities of Private Farm Ownership in Malaysia
Owning and managing a private farm in Malaysia can be very rewarding, but it is far from the romanticized vision many imagine. Beyond the picturesque landscapes and the satisfaction of nurturing your crops lies a complex reality of unpredictable weather, demanding plant and pest management, labor challenges, and ongoing costs that can quickly add up. Managing a farm requires resilience, resourcefulness, and a readiness to face unexpected obstacles. Understanding these challenges can help set realistic expectations and enable better preparation when managing a private farm.
If you are thinking of purchasing a piece of land, remember to read the sudden surge of interest in agricultural land and why people are buying them.